Warehouse backlog adjustments

This article describes the concept of warehouse backlog adjustments and how to adapt the delivery time shown in Ingrid Delivery Checkout to any delivery delays.

What is Warehouse backlog adjustment?

This is a feature that makes it possible to make all carrier products connected to a warehouse indicate an increased number of days of delivery time. The logic of the feature is to instruct Ingrid Delivery Logic to start calculating any delivery offering connected to this warehouse as a set of days in the future. When feature is active Ingrid Delivery Logic will as always:

  • Find next cut off date and time for each carrier product
  • Add Warehouse Backlog Adjustment to that shipping date and time
  • Then ask each Carrier product for a delivery time promise  based on this adjusted date and time
  • Present result in Delivery Checkout

How to set a Warehouse backlog adjustment of delivery time?


  1. From your Ingrid Merchant Platform admin go to Delivery Checkout > Warehouses.
  2. You find the Warehouse backlog adjustment fields on top of this page.
    • If base setting is for delivery time on Delivery Categories is min: 1 max: 2 unit: days. This will indicate 1-2 business days in checkout
    • If you add a Warehouse backlog adjustment of min: 1 max: 2 then all checkout option will be have 1-2 days added
    • This means a checkout option that has before indicated 1-2 days will now indicate: 2-4 days in checkout.Set the min and max date based on your wanted adjustment of the delivery time:
    • A difference between min and max value will Delivery be counted as a range
    Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-28 o 11.56.06

    Tip: Remember that Delivery time promise shown on the Checkout is always impacted by: how cut off time is set per carrier product per warehouse and also by delivery units (days, business days). Business days means that Delivery Checkout recalculates a Saturday to a Monday in order to give the customer back the selected unit for presentation Business Days. Since Warehouse backlog adjustment only operate on actual days this makes trying recalculate into business days on your own a bit cumbersome.