4 Steps of Onboarding to Ingrid Checkout

The onboarding journey is fun and easy! There are 4 main checkpoints to pass to get Ingrid Delivery Checkout up and running: Scoping, Configuration & Customisation, Integration and Testing.

Delivery Checkout integration flow


1) Scoping

  • During the scoping Ingrid collects and analyse all the requirements, expectations from a merchant which will be used in setting up the delivery experience.
  • At this stage, the Merchant is equipped with sufficient information to outline the desired delivery experience within the checkout process. This encompasses the initial checkout flow, available delivery options, and the choice of carrier services to be utilized. Learn more
MilestonesEstablish a common set of goals

2) Configuration & Customisation

  • In this phase, the Delivery Checkout setup process is initiated. Ingrid provides assistance to the Merchant with initial Delivery Checkout configurations, training sessions, and demonstrations on the Ingrid Merchant Platform.
  • By the end of this phase, the Merchant will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to proceed with the setup and confidently manage the configurations independently moving forward. Learn more


  • Reflect Goals in the Ingrid checkout configuration
  • Ensure the checkout widget is looking and working according to business requirements
  • Ensure the Merchant has enough knowledge to admin configurations self-sufficiently

3) Integration

  • Integration plays a vital role in ensuring that Ingrid seamlessly operates within a Merchant's ecosystem, tailored to the specific products they utilize.
  • At this stage, Ingrid collaborates with the Merchant's E-commerce, ERP, WMS, and TMS teams to plan and reach an agreement on the data flow between the systems. Learn more


  • Clarify Data flow between merchant's ecosystems and Ingrid
  • Embed Ingrid Checkout Widget and find it working on merchant's test site

4) Testing & Go Live

  • Prior to the official launch, it is the Merchant's responsibility to conduct end-to-end testing, from the checkout process to printing the label.
  • The end-to-end tests serve the dual purpose of verifying that the configured features are functioning as planned and evaluating the efficiency of the checkout and order processing flow.
  • The successful completion of each end-to-end test should result in the creation and printing of a label. If the data flow between the services is verified to be functioning properly, the test will be deemed successful.
  • Ingrid provides support to the Merchant during the final stage and offers assistance in case anything deviates from the original plan.
  • At this stage, the setup of Delivery Checkout is completed on the staging environment, and Ingrid assists in transferring the staging configuration to the production site. Learn more


  • Conduct successful end-to-end tests on merchant's test site
  • Launch Ingrid Checkout Widget on the merchant's live site


The onboarding process for Delivery Checkout typically lasts 8-10 weeks on average. However, with a positive attitude and eagerness, you can expedite the launch 😉


If you have any questions, our dedicated Customer Success team is here to help. Your Customer Success Agent will be in touch at the beginning of the Onboarding journey. Be sure to stay in touch with your Customer Success Agent and address any inquiries promptly. They will guide you through the onboarding process, from Scoping to the final launch of Ingrid Checkout.​