Delivery time in Delivery Checkout

This section describes the concept of delivery time promise in Ingrid Delivery Checkout, the ways of configuring the ETA and testing it.

What is Delivery time?

Delivery time is also known as an Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) or Estimated Time of Delivery (ETD). It's an approximation of when the parcel will arrive on the delivery address. It's visible on the Ingrid Checkout Widget under every available carrier option.

Setup guidance

Note: there are 2 ways the delivery time is taken to the Checkout - it's either taken directly from the carrier's API or from Ingrid Merchant Platform (IMP) configuration. 

As a merchant you have two possibilities while setting this up:

  1. Whether you set it up as dynamic information calculated both from the carriers API and the IMP input (such as warehouse cut-off time, shipping date adjustments).
  2. Alternative is to set the delivery time as a static information. This means not using lead time input from carrier.

Factors which effect Delivery time calculations in Ingrid Checkout

  1. Shipping date. Shipping date is the date the order is expected to be dispatched from the warehouse, if it’s not specified explicitly in the Ingrid session, then Ingrid takes time_now. 
  2. Cut off based on shipping dates. Learn more in Warehouse cut-off
  3. Any warehouse backlog adjustments (if this has been set). Learn more in Warehouse backlog adjustments
  4. Any Shipping date adjustments. Learn more in Shipping Date Adjustment

Delivery time customisation

As a merchant you could have the full control over the delivery time which you want to expose to the customers: either you want to rely on the estimations of delivery time returned directly from a carrier or you are willing to adjust it to the needs of your business. This is when you can consider customising the delivery time promise. 
The purpose of the delivery time customisation:

  • Control over what estimation is being proposed to the user
  • Managing the format of said estimation for user's convenience
  • Flexibility in case of sudden scenarios
  • Modifying carrier's estimations for individual needs

Note: carriers have varying capabilities to create delivery promises eg. Instabox can be very precise, but PostNord integration - not very much so. Custom shipping options have no communication towards a carrier API, thus delivery time promise should be hardcoded in the Category delivery time settings.

Examples of delivery time customisation in Ingrid Platform

An example of Delivery times based on the carrier API.

Postnord Mailbox delivery time is 2-3 business days returned from PostNord API.

After changing the format of Delivery time representation in Ingrid you get it in Weekday format -like Delivered at latest on Tuesday. 

Next to customisation steps at Setting up Delivery time